F. Morace, L. Gobbi and Sabina Deweik presented the emerging trends of consumption to a group of 25 communication managers, in the headquarters of Editoria Abril.
Monthly Archives: August 2006
[Link] Brasil cresce como exportador de idéias, diz sociólogo
Valor Econômico [PDF] [Portuguese]
1° International Seminar of Consumption Behaviours – Rio de Janeiro
The SENAI/CETIQT – Center of Technology of the Chemistry and Textile Industry of Brazil, one of the most important Graduation Centers on Human Resources for the National Textile Chain, invited Francesco Morace and Linda Gobbi, founders of Future Concept Lab, to hold a one day seminar in Brazil. The 1° Seminário Internacional de Comportamento …
[Link] New age-y
Sportswear International [PDF] [English]