Francesco Morace participates at the Business School Toscana courses on the theme of the crisis and made in Italy.
Monthly Archives: September 2009
Product Revamp – Verona
Francesco Morace participates with Philippe Daverio at the seminar on the theme product revamp one of events for the fair Abitare il tempo.
[Link] Mind builders: cosmopoliti legati al territorio di origine
Mark Up [PDF] [Italian]
Francesco Morace at Festivaletteratura (Literature Festival) in Mantova
Friday, September 11, 2009, Francesco Morace has participated in two important meetings in the context of the Festivaletteratura (Literature Festival) in Mantova, Italy. Landscape as a means of evaluating changes in urban contexts is the focus of a debate held by Francesco Morace and the famous French sociologist Marc Augè.
Festival della letteratura – Mantua
Francesco Morace participates at the literature festival first in tandem with Marc Augé on the theme of urban condition, then with a performance for SCINTILLE.
Francesco Morace at Festivaletteratura – Scintille
In the idyllic setting of Piazza Sordello, Francesco Morace spoke of “Previsioni e Presentimenti”: the meeting was part of the series “Scintille” (sparks), short meetings centred on provocation, curiosity and fun. [Audio] [Italian]
Fourth seminar on consumption behaviours – Rio de Janeiro
S. Deweik, S. Donzelli and F. Morace, participated in the fourth seminar on consumption behaviours for Senai Cetiqt and realised the workshop on consum-authors, starting from the publication of the book DNA Brasil.