Radio 24 – Nove in punto [Audio in italian]
Monthly Archives: November 2011
[Link] Carriera addio vince la felicità
La Repubblica [PDF] [Italian]
Friday University by Cisco – Vimercate
Francesco Morace participated at Friday University by Cisco with a presentation entitled Italian quality and the paradigms of the future.
[Link] La lettura sentimentale del futuro attraverso le storie del passato
ADV Strategie di comunicazione [PDF] [Italian]
From luxury to excellence – Milan
Francesco Morace spoke during the presentation of the activities of Luxuring, a new consulting firm dedicated to the evolution of luxury behaviours, with a presenation entitled: From luxury to excellence.
Design Thinking and the 4 New Paradigms of the Future – São Paulo
Sabina Deweik participates at the 2011 edition of Brasil Design Week in São Paulo with a presentation on Design Thinking and the 4 New Paradigms of the Future.
[Link] Cool Hunters
Revista Cásper [WWW] [Portuguese]
Petrobras Lab
The Petrobras Lab project was the first big test for the new office of FCL do Brasil. A research project and strategic consultancy was made for the corporate communications department of Petrobras – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A, one of the world’s leading energy companies. The project foresaw an initial brand check-up phase, during which the characteristics …