Conference, Teenager 2008 – Milan

Francesco Morace participated at the conference organised in Milan by Somedia-laRepubblica on the behaviours and values of teenagers. His presentation entitled Trend and trendsetter: where and how they are born underlined how technology has replaced fashion in the priorities of the adolescents.

Bogotà Innova

Francesco Morace and Elisabetta Pasini managed a three days conference on Global Trends in Bogotà ( 1/3 September 2008) that was the launch of the project Bogotà Innova, sponsored by the local CCB – Bogotà’s Chamber of Commerce. The aim of the project is to create a permanent Observatory on Trends, in order to promote […]

3rd International Seminar of Behaviours and Consumption – Rio de Janeiro

Future Concept Lab at the helm for two training days organised by Senai Cetiqt in the splendid setting of the Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro. On the 26th of August 2008, the 3rd International Seminar of Behaviours and Consumption was opened by the Future Concept Lab team -Francesco Morace, Sabrina Donzelli and Sabina Deweik- […]