Between the 3rd and 12th of December 2009 Linda Gobbi held in Buenos Aires – at a branch of the University of Bologna, the Masters Investigación de Mercado y Data Mining – its program of lectures dedicated to qualitative research and their application within companies (Métodos para la investigation cualitativa y Marketing). The lecturing …
Posts Filtered by Category: Training
Master 24: Marketing & Communication
27th of February 2008 saw the launch in all Italian newsagents of the new Masters Course by Il Sole 24 Ore dedicated to Marketing and Communication. Within the first and third boxes of the series, that are entitled “To know marketing: scenarios in continuous evolution” and “To know new needs in order to understand the […]
Polimoda: Lesson-Presentation
On Thursday the 10th of January Paolo Ferrarini presented the book “Real Fashion Trends” at Florence’s Polimoda. An occasion to talk with teachers and students about the techniques and practices of coolhunting.