
Shaping the future, a pathway in growth


Trends Lab is born in Milan, by 4 sociologists in their thirties (Linda Gobbi, Francesco Morace, Roberto Brognara, Fabrizio Valente), who follow the intuition of creating a Centre for Innovation in sociology for marketing.


The idea of ​​creating an international network of correspondents in the capitals of creativity and innovation is developed: London, New York, Paris, Tokyo aside from Milano.


Linda Gobbi and Francesco Morace founded Future Concept Lab that collects the heritage of Trends Lab. The cities observed multiply until they arrive to the current total of 40. The two research programs StreetStyles and MindStyles are created.


The clients multiply together with the publications, conferences, and activities abroad. The research program Genius Loci is born, dedicated to the different cultures and markets in 20 countries. The goal of one million euro turnover a year is achieved.


With the new millennium comes the Future Vision Workshops series, which will continue uninterrupted until today, with 4 workshops held each year.


The Happiness Program is born, a research program dedicated to happiness.


The Lab is born, a form of annual research and consulting for companies interested in innovation.


TrendsGymnasium is launched, the first online course worldwide dedicated to cool hunting and trend foundation.


FCL do Brasil is born, the first foreign branch with a work group engaged in research and consultancy for Brazilian companies such as Petrobras, Nature, Grendene, Alpargatas.


The Generational Targets research program is launched, dedicated to 12 generational nuclei identified in the world.


Fast Track is born, the fast consulting service for companies that want to intelligently deal with the crisis.


“Italian Factor” is launched: a book, a consulting project and a radio set on Radio 24, within the program Essere e Avere.


The Festival della Crescita is conceived that – with the theoretical support of the book Crescita Felice – proposes its first edition between the 15th and 18th of October in Milan, at Palazzo delle Stelline.


The book ConsumAutori is published, also translated into English and dedicated to the new generational nuclei that go from 12 to 16. At the same time, the radio program Il ConsumAutore is launched on Radio24 which has now exceeded 400 episodes.


The 12-point Manifesto of Growth is conceived, presented and explored in depth in the book Crescere! and launched at the Festival della Crescita in 25 Italian cities.


The book Futuro + Umano is published and launches a Lab that deals with AI and digital experiences.


The annual series of workshops on the topic of Leading the future is launched as well as the book Il Bello del mondo, on the new dynamics of globalization.


Due to the pandemic the Future Vision Workshop transmigrated to the web, reaching its twenty-fifth year in 2024.


The book La Rinascita dell’Italia is published in which strategies for dealing with the shock of the pandemic are indicated.


New stages of the Festival della Crescita take place and are dedicated to the 4 primary elements: Fire in Sassuolo, Air in Ferrara, Water in Montecatini and Earth in Lucca.


The book Modernità Gassosa is published which highlights new social and communication trends.


The most impressive research on GenZ ever carried out in Italy is launched in collaboration with the Institute Sylla, to which new consultancy projects are dedicated in many sectors.