Books: Consum-Authors

“Consum-Authors – The generations as creative enterprises” has the objective of placing the market at the centre of a new strategic vision that conciliates the quality of products, management and daily life, according to an interdisciplinary, innovative and humanistic practice. The analysis by Future Concept Lab has for years shown that there is space for a neo-renaissance vision of the professions, of consumption and of the market that through all the generations, and many countries of the world, accompanying the birth and the dissemination of the Consum-Author.
In the 12 chapters of the book the generational nuclei that incarnate the creative condition of ones own generation, and that therefore constitute the heart of the consum-author at the differing ages are carefully analysed.
After having described the values, the way of thinking, the behaviours and the daily life, the book concludes the generational journey proposing two concrete examples of daily life experience that all families live in their existence: tourism and domesticity, two inter-generational laboratories that are extremely interesting and help better understand the dynamics that are described within the ten chapters dedicated to the groups that reflect the new figure of the Consum-Author.
Consum-Authors – The generations as creative enterprises
Publisher: Libri Scheiwiller (December 2008)
Language: English, Italian
Price: € 29,90
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