Books: L’alfabeto della rinascita

Post-pandemic Italy needs to rediscover the vital side of uncertainty: after so much resilience we need vision, courage, feasible utopias. Italy has always shown this temperament, especially in moments of great hardship and difficulty: for example during the 1950’s and the Reconstruction after the war, which then fueled the 1960’s economic and demographic boom. L’Alfabeto della Rinascita (The Alphabet of Rebirth) was born out of this belief, as the first project for a new reality, the company Utopia impresa which with Marzia Tomasin and Francesco Morace aims to identify the utopian cores that illuminate Italian managers and entrepreneurs. 100 years are told in the book (from 1921 – the year Alessi was born – until 2021 when AideXa becomes operational with the service X-instant) of Italian companies that have demonstrated over time the ability and courage to believe in a founding dream. Thus emerge the 10 qualities that distinguish Italian Human Design: Talent, Design, Mastery, Co-opetition, Empathy, Recognition, Creative workshop, Wonder, Timeliness, Irradiation. We often focus on a single quality to explain Italy’s success in the world, but this is not enough: what makes the Italian recipe unique and inimitable is the virtuous combination of these ingredients that make a big difference. Fortunately, the recipe is intuitive and cannot be turned into a formula for success, let alone into an algorithm or artificial intelligence. Italian industry and businesses will be reborn almost without realizing it, as is already happening, because in this uncertain and chaotic time we have all the credentials to produce beauty and happy utility in an ingenious and sustainable way, just like the 26 companies described in the book have done over the last century.
L’alfabeto della rinascita – 26 storie di imprese esemplari
Publisher: Egea (January 2022)
Language: Italian
Price: € 30,00
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