For a new urbanist culture of quality by the Comune di Parma
First interactive multidiscipline workshop on the more innovative experiences of territorial development
Friday 27th October 2006 at 10.00 – Auditorium Paganini – Parma
The conference is organised by Parma City Council in order to offer a valid opportunity for study and comparison on new programs of urban requalification.
Parma is one of the first Italian administrations to have signed up to with enthusiasm to the new requirements of law, related to the management of programs for urban transformation. Certain to contribute to the creation of a new urban culture of quality, Parma has constituted various companies and has made them operative in record time, overcoming the multitude of judicial problems.
From this positive experience the will for a laboratory to encourage the application to other cases in this innovative way for the production of goods and services of collective interest, in the context of a new vision of the world of Italian infrastructures.