Linda Gobbi, Giovanni Lanzone and Francesco Morace – introduced to the audience by the Mayor of Riccione and the president of CNA – presented in Riccione the book and the research “Il Talento dell’Impresa”.
Posts Filtered by Tag: Il Talento dell’Impresa
Il Talento dell’Impresa – Schio
In Schio as part of the Festival Città Impresa Linda Gobbi, Giovanni Lanzone and Francesco Morace presented the book and project Il Talento dell’Impresa, with the support of Cna.
Il Talento dell’Impresa – Palermo
In Palermo at Ted X Palermo, Francesco Morace and Giovanni Lanzone presented the book and project Il Talento dell’Impresa.
Il Talento dell’Impresa – Catania
Francesco Morace and Giovanni Lanzone in Catania at the Palazzo della Cultura presented the book and project Il Talento dell’Impresa.
Il Talento dell’Impresa – Florence
Linda Gobbi, Giovanni Lanzone and Francesco Morace presented in Florence, at Palazzo Vecchio, the research and the book Il Talento dell’Impresa. The event was co-ordinated by Elisabetta Cianfanelli (Councillor for Tourism Europe Fashion, Equal Opportunities) and saw the participation of Michele Legnaioli (Confindustria Firenze), Alberto Scaccioni …
Il Talento dell’Impresa – Vicenza
Linda Gobbi, Giovanni Lanzone and Francesco Morace presented in Vicenza, at the headquarters of Confindustria, the research and the book Il Talento dell’Impresa. The event was co-ordinated by Cristiano Seganfreddo and saw the participation of Michele Bocchese (President of Sistema Moda Confindustria Vicenza) and the three entrepreneurs Dionisio Archiutti, …